The Noles were primed (pun intended) for a big season in 1988. Loaded with playmakers like Prime Time, Sammy Smith, Ronald Lewis, Edgar Bennett, Leroy Butler and Dexter Carter, FSU had the Canes in the cross hairs. It was to be a signature win in a nasty rivalry, at the Orange Bowl, and on national TV. Nole players were so jacked they produced a now infamous video that included lyrics like, "Our code is simple, We're the best in the land."
Famous last words. It was all Miami, 31-0.
Fans on both sides say it was the over-the-top swagger of the rap that fired up UM. Another take is that FSU went into the game far too over-confident. Now Dexter Carter has a new perspective that we haven't heard before, as he explains in this short clip from our recent interview.
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